Friday, 24 March 2017

Show-off that flawless skin 24×7 Time to flaunt that flawless skin everyday

In today’s world plunging necklines, spaghetti straps and hot-pants, top the fashion charts, and to make these fashion statements, hair free skin is a must. Myclinic in Jayanagarsees a steady stream of suchconsumerswith various skin tones wanting to have that freedom of wearing anything on their mind while having a flawless skin. Some of these consumers are still new to the world of laser treatments while some have evolved andadopted laser treatments as the way for hair removal along with other procedures.
There are still a vast number of adolescent girls, working womenunaware about laser treatments and continue to use age old methods of removing hair. Their consultation visits often focuse on busting the myths and facts concerning laser treatments. Often we discuss – how laser treatments are better compared to age old methods of shaving, waxing or tweezingresults of which are short-lived and many a times lead to patchy uneven skin and acne,how laser treatments are cost effective in the long run, why one has to get this treatment done from a trained doctor or a technician and how it doesn’t affect internal or sensitive ograns. We also discuss about low self esteem caused due to facial hair and how laser treatment can help them build their self-confidence.
While the evolved consumerdoing the laser treatment are more concerned about their skin. They discuss about whether the treatment will damage their skin or leave any marks, how long is the procedure, how many sessions are required for effective results, , will the treatment work on darker skin tone, do they have to stay indoor following the treatment, etc.
For one, laser treatment is a durable treatment, it helps in reducing the hair growth permanently. However, compared to any other hair removal procedure that has results that last up to 4 weeks, the Laser Hair Removal is a more durable treatment. The treatment affects only the hair follicles and leaves the skin intact. The treatment does not cause scarring, as the lasers don’t cause wounds on the skin. They work perfectly fine on all types of skin tones and work well with all hair colours except the blonde or lighter hair colour like grey hair. Also, the laser penetrates only 1 to 4 mm in the skin and as such there is no effect on the internal or sensitive organs.
Alike, the consumer being more aware, the treatment too has evolved. There are more sophisticated and safer treatment options available that make you look forward to these sessions and leading a hair free life. The newer machines are far more superior technology wise and don’t emit high energy wavelength. The latest in this space is Alma Laser’ Soprano Ice which works on every kind of skin type. This machine comes with an advance cooling technology that cools the skin during treatment for longer period of time. The in-motion technology provides gradual heating to reach the clinical endpoint rather than a sharp sudden burst of heat. This cooling effect increases the patient’s comfort, making the removal process painless, while delivering a massage like sensation.
With proven safety records Soprano Ice is perfect to be used on any area of the body be it normal or tanned skin. This machine also has a proven safety to work on darker skins and the treatment sessions are super quick thus reducing the overall treatment time.
Owing to reduction in treatment time and less number of sessionsto attain effective resutsmakes this treatment very cost-effective and thus brings it within the affordable range. After being treated with this new machine, you can immediately return to your normal activities including working out at gym as there is no down time.
This latest machine is available at our Jayanagar clinic. Do call or write for an appointment to try this latest technology laser treatment.
Pain Free Hair Removal Treatment in India
Source :

To Know More about Hair Removal Laser Treatment India – Harmony XL Pro in India, Contact Alma Lasers India @ 022 42154700 or Email us –

Unit No. 203, B Wing,
Supreme Business Park,Supreme City, Powai, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, 400076
+912242154700 / +917718811303

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I feel like I have information overload. Thank you for sending me only the materials I needed about this topic. I am grateful not to have to spend time sorting through stuff that isn't needed.
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