Friday, 6 November 2015

The View and ClearLift, Skin Resurfacing

What’s most important in a skin resurfacing laser? Any company that manufacturers cosmetic lasers must ask itself that question. It goes without saying that, ultimately, the people who seek and pay for laser skin resurfacing are the ones dictating what’s most important. Likewise, we have to acknowledge that CO2 lasers for skin resurfacing are different than erbium lasers and that it’s the provider who determines what approach is right for a patient’s skin and situation. Usually, one technology pulls ahead and leads the industry. On that note a skin resurfacing laser technology that’s making a big splash at this time is ClearLift from Alma Lasers. - See more at:
What’s most important in a skin resurfacing laser? Any company that manufacturers cosmetic lasers must ask itself that question. It goes without saying that, ultimately, the people who seek and pay for laser skin resurfacing are the ones dictating what’s most important. 

Likewise, we have to acknowledge that CO2 lasers for skin resurfacing are different than erbium lasers and that it’s the provider who determines what approach is right for a patient’s skin and situation. Usually, one technology pulls ahead and leads the industry. On that note a skin resurfacing laser technology that’s making a big splash at this time is ClearLift from Alma Lasers

Formerly known as the Pixel Q-Switch, ClearLift is a fractionated, non-ablative skin resurfacing tool designed with the busy patient in mind. The treatment requires no social downtime and minimizes pain and discomfort. However, it’s the results that have people talking.

So what’s most important for you when it comes to laser skin resurfacing, your patients and your practice? Is it:

  • Fast and Easy to use – Treatments that can take as little as 20 minutes
  • Virtually Painless, No Social Downtime
  • Visible improvement in skin appearance in as little as one treatment*
  • Versatile – the 1064 nm Q-Switched module is also indicated for tattoo removal, pigmented and vascular lesions and for use in patients with onychomycosis.
  • The Q-Switched laser module is indicated for use on all skin types (Fitzpatrick I – VI)

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Friday, 30 October 2015

Soprano ICE Vs. a Case of Hobbit Feet

The Doctors have a challenge - hairy feet; and not just any hair removal laser technology is up for the challenge. Rami has long suffered with a problem – extremely hairy feet. Most of us can relate to an unruly hair here-and-there on our toes, but Rami is forced to wear socks with his sandals. Fortunately, Alma’s Soprano ICE laser hair removal technology was on hand to help Rami solve his problem. Here’s the clip: 

It’s only fair to point-out that the Soprano ICE offers many advantages that have raised the bar for hair removal lasers across the globe:

  • Faster treatment times with Speed Technology -  The Soprano ICE can operate at 10 hertz per second, creating one of the fastest treatment times in the world. If you could treat more patients in the same amount of time, would you?
  • Additional cooling to minimize patient discomfort -  Every patient deserves to leave your office with a good - and virtually painless - story to tell.
  • Laser hair removal without numbing gels -  Pre-treatment times required to apply numbing agents can take time away from what matters most; caring for your patients.
  • SHR and IN-Motion technology produces extremely effective results - Super HairRemoval from Alma changed the business of laser hair removal. Replace no-pain, no-gain with Pain-Free, Hair-Free using a proven technology and treatment that’s in demand.
  • No per-treatment disposable -  lowering your cost of ownership and helping your achieve ROI faster.
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Monday, 26 October 2015

Clearlift on EXTRA

Most aesthetic professionals know the importance of providing a great treatment. It’s important that patients feel their investment of time and money was well spent, after all. It’s just as important, we believe, to match the treatment to the patient’s lifestyle and preferences, especially when it comes to recovery time and pain.
Let’s face it some patients who might like to have a treatment won’t because of the possible down time. Others may choose to avoid the pain associated with some cosmetic laser treatments. This skin resurfacing patient’s checklist might look like this.
The treatment must be:
  • Quick enough to be completed over my lunch hour
  • Virtually painless
  • Have little downtime and NO DOWNTIME is better
Most important, the treatment must give me a great result.
The Pixel Q-Switch, part of the Harmony XL cosmetic laser,blends technology with many patient’s wishes. The television show EXTRA featured this system and Nurse Jamie called it, “…a game changer.”
In our follow-up discussion, Jamie – Nurse Jamie – Sherrill said, “…Even though traditional Pixel offers minimal downtime, the promise of no downtime brought a new demographic. People that were afraid to try laser resurfacing in the past are doing so now.” Sounds like we did our job, doesn’t it?
- See more at:
Most aesthetic professionals know the importance of providing a great treatment. It’s important that patients feel their investment of time and money was well spent, after all. It’s just as important, we believe, to match the treatment to the patient’s lifestyle and preferences, especially when it comes to recovery time and pain.

Let’s face it some patients who might like to have a treatment won’t because of the possible down time. Others may choose to avoid the pain associated with some cosmetic laser treatments. This skin resurfacing patient’s checklist might look like this.

The treatment must be:

  •     Quick enough to be completed over my lunch hour
  •     Virtually painless
  •     Have little downtime and NO DOWNTIME is better

Most important, the treatment must give me a great result.

The Pixel Q-Switch, part of the Harmony XL cosmetic laser,blends technology with many patient’s wishes. The television show EXTRA featured this system and Nurse Jamie called it, “…a game changer.”

In our follow-up discussion, Jamie – Nurse Jamie – Sherrill said, “…Even though traditional Pixel offers minimal downtime, the promise of no downtime brought a new demographic. People that were afraid to try laser resurfacing in the past are doing so now.” Sounds like we did our job, doesn’t it?

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Friday, 16 October 2015

Lunchtime Laser Treatments

Dr. McCoy of Contour Medical in Gilbert, Arizona recently shared his insight on a leading trend in laser skin care: the lunchtime treatment.

No, this doesn’t mean that you can delight in a combo lunch special while enjoying a skin resurfacing solution. It means people who seek skin care treatments that fit into their busy lifestyles now have a new option.

Alma Lasers offers patients and practitioners technologies that can address skin issues during a lunch hour. This means short downtimes and huge time savings.

Many of Dr. McCoy’s patients suffer from sun damage brought on by their outdoor lifestyles. By using technologies such as Alma’s vShape and ClearLift, he offers treatments to those who have stayed in the sun for too long or who have failed to implement a skin care regimen from a young age.

However, these skin care concerns are not limited to the residents of Gilbert. Individuals across the country harbor concerns when it comes to correcting damage or maintaining the health of their skin. Reflecting the growing frequency of sun damage and awareness of the importance of skin care, global markets for medical aesthetic procedures are expected to grow more than 11 percent per year between 2012 and 2017.

Catering to these concerns and taking into account patients’ busy lifestyles, Dr. McCoy stresses the importance of using the industry’s cutting-edge technology, which can offer reliable results in a short period of time.

With Alma platforms, facial and body aesthetic treatments, laser hair removal and skin resurfacing can take only 10 to 20 minutes. This is just one of the many benefits that Alma equipment provides among many, including long-term results and little-to-no pain procedures.

Altogether, these improvements deliver what a growing number of patients need from excellent laser skin care. The popularity of Dr. McCoy’s lunchtime treatment is a marker of the rising importance of zero-downtime, effective procedures.

To know more Laser Treatments 

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Friday, 9 October 2015

Matt Dakin on the Future of Cosmetic Lasers

Working with cosmetic lasers in Los Angeles, California can give anyone a unique perspective on the laser industry. LA is, after all, home to many aesthetic providers and innovators. Add the vibrant state of Hawaii to the mix and things can get complicated. With that in mind, it’s our pleasure to welcome Matt Dakin to our blog. Matt manages Los Angeles and the state of Hawaii for Alma Lasers. With some years of experience behind him, Matt has interesting thoughts to share.

AL: Thanks for joining us today. First question, what’s the best part of working in the aesthetic lasers industry?
Matt Dakin: This may be a long answer. The best part is that every location is different and therefore its own interesting experience. Each business has needs and wants based on the demographic it serves and its business objectives. At Alma, we’re very fortunate to have a large product offering. We don’t have to try to fit a square peg into a round hole. That never works anyway. What we can do is tailor the solution to fit the needs and goals of the business. By taking this approach, we’re able to elevate a practice so that they can be competitive for years to come.

For a number of reasons, this capability is extremely important for providers in Los Angeles. The first is that the patients are diverse. Aesthetic laser professionals will care for people of different backgrounds, ages and skin types. Those that are working with limited technology are at a disadvantage. Let’s take hair removal lasers* as an example. Hair removal* can be a staple of a practice. But it’s competitive now. It’s important that the hair removal laser is capable of treating every prospective patient that comes through the door.

Nobody should have to send a new patient to their competition because of their technology.

The same rules apply in Hawaii. Skin resurfacing is a great example. Regardless of our skin type, we all deal with the visible signs of aging. Many of us would like to take action to look more vibrant. Traditional skin resurfacing often excludes darker skin types. That’s a shame. Alma’s able to offer a better solution. Our vShape™ gives providers a way to offer skin resurfacing to all skin types using radiofrequency. Now add the Harmony XL and ClearLift™ to that treatment mix. The provider is able to offer a viable treatment without the usual downtime. The bottom line is this: modular technology and thinking about the needs of the provider over the long term helps us put providers in a better position.

AL: Great information, Matt. What do you predict for the future of cosmetic lasers?
Matt Dakin: The Baby Boomers are choosing invasive procedures. Generation Y is entrenched in the work place and earning disposable income. In all likelihood, both demographics will utilize the services of a cosmetic laser professional. This won’t be unique to California or Hawaii. We’ll see this take place everywhere. If there’s a down side to continued growth, it’s that providers will have more competition to deal with. That fact makes selecting the right technology partner more important than ever before.

AL: It looks like the future’s bright for those that take action today. On that note, you took action and joined us. What attracted you to Alma Lasers?
Matt Dakin: I came to Alma from our competition for a couple of key reasons. Our management takes a progressive, forward thinking approach. I know Alma will continue to expand its offerings and grow as a company. The second biggest reason, however, was product quality. We have sophisticated systems that are user-friendly. They are built to make providers more successful and make patients happy. Their up time is fantastic and we stand behind them. We also have the modular approach. As I’ve explained earlier, this can help an Alma partner retain competitive advantage. We’re not taking a one-or-two-and-done style approach. We’re your technology partner today, tomorrow and forever

Buy HarmonyXL Cosmetic Laser Systems

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Thursday, 1 October 2015

ClearLift Skin Resurfacing

For many aesthetic providers, skin resurfacing remains a mainstay treatment, one that’s always in-demand and popular. Alma offers multiple solutions for providers wishing to meet the needs of skin resurfacing patients. This article, however, is focused on only one - ClearLift.

ClearLift, originally known as the Pixel Q-Switch, gives providers a novel approach to laser skin resurfacing. The ClearLift treatment is a virtually painless, non-ablative procedure that can be performed over a patient’s lunch hour. Best of all, many patients report seeing immediate results while still in the treatment room.

The business of aesthetic is really about one thing - a happy patient repeated over and over again.

It’s a great feeling to make someone feel better about their appearance. Some might say that it’s the sole reason for being in this industry. It’s sometimes awe inspiring to think about how many times a day a provider combines his or her talents with technology to achieve this goal. In the picture above, our friend Dr. Kee Lee Tan utilized ClearLift for skin resurfacing around a patient’s eyes. We think he did a great job and achieved the primary goal of any aesthetic treatment.

The skin around the eyes is delicate and prone to its own, unique challenges. Therefore, not every skin resurfacing option is suitable for treating the orbital area. Therefore, we encourage all aesthetic professionals to fully understand skin resurfacing technology and its capabilities. So click here to learn more about ClearLift and Alma’s many other solutions. Your patient satisfaction may reach a whole new level - and we’ll be proud of you.

To know more about ClearLift Skin Resurfacing

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Saturday, 12 September 2015

Devin Foggo on Aesthetic Lasers

Today we’re spending time with aesthetic laser professional Devin Foggo, Alma’s representative in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and D.C. With such a diverse population to take care of, Devin stays very busy. But he was good enough to share some time with us and discuss cosmetic lasers, the aesthetic business and being successful in an ever-changing industry.

A.L. Thanks for joining us at our blog, Devin. Tell us a little about your philosophy when it comes to taking care of customers.

Devin Foggo: My philosophy is straight-forward: be sincerely customer centric. I have been successful partnering with providers because I listen more than I talk. Alma has a wide product offering and it’s important to understand the needs of the provider’s business, especially in relation to what the provider wants to achieve, to match the need to the right device. Capital equipment is an important purchase and it’s important to get it right. Very often, we have to take a question-based approach to match the provider to the right investment, one that truly increases ROI. In some cases, we’ve identified barriers to achieving success and been able to remove them prior to the purchase. The work is worth it because it’s to benefit the provider.

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Friday, 11 September 2015

Eric Stanton on Cosmetic Lasers

Today we thank Eric Stanton, a cosmetic laser professional managing Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, for joining us at our blog. This continuing series shares the thoughts and wisdom of Alma’s team members on the business of aesthetics, our past and our exciting future. We encourage interested readers to learn more from their local Alma Lasers professional by clicking here.

AL: Eric, thanks for spending time with us for this article. With all of Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri to cover, we know you’ve got your hands full. We’ll be brief. How long have you been in the laser industry?

Eric Stanton: I’ve worked in the medical industry for seventeen years. The most enjoyable of that time has been medical aesthetics. The work is challenging, but it’s extremely rewarding.

AL: That it is. So what do you like most about working with cosmetic lasers and aesthetic providers?

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Friday, 4 September 2015

Pain Assessment, Laser Hair Removal Study

How much does pain matter when you’re evaluating hair removal lasers? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Laser hair removal technology has been around for a while now and some have accepted patient discomfort as a fact of a good treatment. 

Maybe the cliché philosophy of no-pain, no-gain still applies to some industries, but we’d like to take suffering out of laser hair removal. A recent study from Dr. Chris Zachary comparing two leading hair removal lasers resulted in some great findings. We’ll get to this in a bit, but first let’s consider what patient discomfort can do to a hair removal business. 

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Monday, 31 August 2015

Skin Resurfacing and the Hands of Time

Skin resurfacing, one of the most in-demand aesthetic treatments, has helped countless consumers fight the visible signs of aging. The hands of time, however, often do the most visible damage around the eyes.

Unfortunately, many providers found the aggressive nature of traditional skin resurfacing technology lacking – or altogether helpless – in this area. The lasers simply weren’t up for the unique challenges of treating the thinner, more sensitive skin in the orbital area. Patients were stuck with their crow’s feet, worry lines and worse.

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Monday, 17 August 2015

Six Reasons Why Every Dermatologist Should Offer Laser Hair Removal

From day one, Dr. Lima-Maribona knew laser hair removal (LHR) had to be part of her dermatology practice. She needed a reliable piece of equipment with the flexibility to treat patients with varying skin types.

Upon evaluating several hair removal devices prior to opening her practice, the Soprano Family of devices by Alma Lasers piqued her interest. When she read about SopranoICE’s capabilities, Dr. Maribona knew it was the obvious pick for her hair removal system of choice. Unlike other tools, the laser diode works for a full spectrum of skin tones.

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Monday, 10 August 2015

Maximizing Laser Hair Removal Revenues

Most providers already know that the business of laser hair removal is a lot tougher than it used to be. While more and more people seek the smooth look that laser hair removal can give them, more providers are competing for their attention. In light of this reality, one of the most valuable resources a provider can have is an experienced laser professional with in depth knowledge of the laser hair removal business.

An expert of that caliber can offer guidance for not only surviving, but conqueringthe local laser hair removal market. In this article, we sat down with Mason Golden to discuss the challenge and a few potential solutions. Mason Golden is a seasoned industry professional covering north Texas and Oklahoma. He’s worked with numerous providers and is currently sharing his knowledge with providers in Dallas, Fort Worth and throughout his large territory.

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Monday, 3 August 2015

Tattoo Removal Lasers, an Important Announcement

This blog about tattoo removal lasers includes an important announcement from us. In a recent article we posed the question, if you had a tattoo removal laser, would you keep it busy? 

You can read that article by clicking on this highlighted title: Tattoo Removal Lasers Has the Demand Increased? We thought it was an important question because it appears that more and more people are embracing tattoos. After all, the US is home 21,000 tattoo parlors according to 

While numbers and opinions vary on the exact number of people who want to have a tattoo removed, we can be assured that a good number of those currently inked wish that they weren’t.

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